Tuesday, February 5, 2013

#6 Dinner!

When I had E, one thing that really helped me is when some people that B works with brought us dinner. Now I know this is no new gesture, but it was new to me and incredibly appreciated.

This brings me to my #6 good deed for the year. A couple that B works with just had a baby and so we decided to pay it forward. This deed is a little stressful for me because I am not a cook. I'm sure my family and friends would be quick to tell you horror stories of my kitchen adventures. I'm a little ashamed to admit that my husband that sometimes works 80 hours a week, makes dinner a majority of the time. However, I have one recipe that I'm pretty confident in that I adapted from the wonderful Cunningham family: Sour Cream Enchiladas.

These enchiladas were the first thing I ever made for B and won him over, little did he know it was the ONLY thing I could make outside of grilled cheese sandwiches. Ha! Poor guy!

This is another one of those things that anyone could do no matter where you live to help someone out. Know someone who had a baby? Make them enchiladas! Someone's been sick? Try out a casserole recipe. Just to be on the safe side, ask for any dietary restrictions, just in case. :)

Who do you know that you can help out in this way?

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