Monday, May 27, 2013

#21 Ellie's Run For Africa

This has been a long time coming and super late, but I wanted to do Ellie's Run some justice because I love it so much! Well, with moving and getting settled I realize that I need to just get caught up with my Thirty.

So I know I already did #18 on ERFA, but that was for raising money and being a Hero. Some of the pictures are more geared toward that, but this is more about being a part of the committee.

I got involved because I thought that maybe this was a type of charity I would like to take with me to Idaho. I knew how to run the 5k, but I had no idea of all the other behind the scenes stuff. Let me tell you, there is A LOT of stuff to organize and take into consideration when planning a charity run. I was placed on the Heroes Team because (I guess) of my "expertise" from last year of being the Hero winner when I won the Kindle Fire. As important as the runners are who pay the registration fee, Heroes is what brings in the money for New Dawn.

My group's job was to email or call schools and churches in the Nashville-area and try to get in flyers or potentially set up a time where one of the ERFA staffers can do a mini-presentation to bring awareness to the need for education in Kenya and hopefully intrigue people enough to sign up for the 5k and potentially sign up as a Hero. I'm not the most social person and I hate talking on the telephone, so this was a good challenge for me to step outside my comfort level.

Check out #18 to read more about my experience with Ellie's Run For Africa and, of course, go to for more information about this charity and how you can make a difference. Keep your eyes open for next year!

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