Wednesday, August 14, 2013

#22 Lemonade Stand

Since this summer has been crazy-busy, I haven't been able to do too much volunteering of my time. I also know that a lot of you don't have time to give to other people as well, so it is good to have some of my Thirty involve other things.

Today's Thirty (that actually happened back in June. Whoops!!!) involves money, and not a lot of it. In the subdivision we moved to there is prime real estate for kids who have entrepreneur-ish ambitions in the way of lemonade stands and bake sales. On a day in late June, I bought my mom and I some lemonade to help a couple of girls have some spending money on an upcoming trip to Disneyland. They charged 25 cents for a large cup and I knew that my fifty cents wouldn't do much in the way of advancing their spending money (I'm pretty sure 50 cents would purchase them a piece of ice at Disneyland), so I tipped big.

Anytime you see kids selling stuff on the side of the road, you should stop and buy something. Even if you don't eat or drink what they're selling. I'm pretty sure that's in "Life's Little Instructions Book".

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