Wednesday, August 14, 2013

#23 Petsmart

I feel like more and more stores are offering to add money to your purchase to donate to a good cause. Earlier this year I wrote about donating to Autism Speaks at TJMaxx. This is a really easy way to give to a charity you like without breaking the bank. Most donations are a dollar or more if you want and I've even seen where they just round up your tab to the next dollar amount. Pretty easy, eh?

A couple of weeks ago we had an incident where my dog, Ruger, got out of our back yard. Because he has allergies and is constantly scratching his ears and shaking his head, he doesn't always wear his collar when we're at home because of the annoying jingling of his name and rabies tag. Luckily, Ruger was found and returned to us after a few scary and devastating hours. I knew we needed to get a new name tag that attached right onto his collar and doesn't jingle in case that ever happened again. He is epileptic among other health problems so every hour he is gone is quite scary. This took me to Petsmart.

While checking out with my new dog tag, the gal asked if I wanted to donate a dollar to help feed animals in the animal shelter. I immediately had "Angel" by Sara McClaughlin playing in my head while visualizing some homeless, eyeless Shih Tzu, so of course I said "sure".

Again, a super easy way to make a small difference that took less than ten seconds. :)

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