Saturday, April 6, 2013

#12 Bake Sale for Dravet Syndrome

I know, I know...two posts in one day but it has been a BUSY day!

A lot of things are happening in Sylvan Park today!  Not only did we have the Richland Creek Run this morning and have the normal event of the farmer's market, but there was a bake sale going on at Local Taco!!!

A couple of months ago when I was planning out some things to do for my Thirty, I came across an advertisement for this bake sale that the proceeds go to help research for Dravet Syndrome.  I had no idea what this was so I looked it up here and basically it is early onset epilepsy.  Kids that have can be behind on developmental skills.  As I'm writing this I realize that I should have had a little interview with my friend that is a peds/neuro resident...silly me!

Anyway, you can click on the hyperlink above to learn more about it.  I baked some chocolate chips cookies and pumpkin-chocolate chip cupcakes for them to sell.  Yes, I know that pumpkin is a fall ingredient but I'm moving in two months and have some things I need to get rid off.  I was also planning on my making my beloved Special K Bars (really just so I could have some) and realized when I started making everything that I forgot to get Special K cereal!  Oy!  Oh well, I didn't really need to eat them anyway. :) 

I hear E up from her nap so there is no time to edit.  Bear with me!

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