Monday, April 29, 2013

#18 Ellie's Run For Africa HERO

Today's post is something that is so near and dear to my heart and something that I have supported for the last couple of years.  It combines three of my favorite things:  education, running, and Africa.  Settle in, folks.  This will probably be a very wordy post...

I had lived in Nashville for about ten months when B and I went to Sweet CeCe's for some frozen yogurt.  This is something we do a lot, but because of that day, I am changed.  There is a bulletin board in there that always has upcoming events that I always take a few minutes to peruse.  On that particular day, I was instantly drawn to a picture of Africa (like always).  I read about Ellie's Run For Africa on the flier and I told B that we HAD to do that 5k!  A couple of weeks later, I was wearing my sarong and beaded bands from Nairobi at the run.  After being at that event, I knew I wanted to take a more active role in Ellie's Run.

My first Ellie's Run!

Ellie and I!

Last year I signed up to be a Hero where I raised money through donations from my amazing family and friends.  I had purposely set my goal amount low because I didn't think anyone would really want to donate money and I didn't think I would be that good at asking for money.  I've never been good at face to face confrontation so I took to Facebook and email to just throw out there this idea that I had to help these kids in Nairobi get an education and some food and to help pay a teacher's salary.  I had surpassed that goal within a couple of days!  I was shocked!  I even won the adult Hero prize of a Kindle Fire for the money I helped raise!  It was an honor to wear my Hero t-shirt on race day with my sarong and beaded bracelets...and I'm doing it again this year!

B was working last year so E had to run with me.  It was her two month birthday that day. :)
I love getting to wear my Kenyan stuff!!!

Normally, I don't post one of my Thirty's until it is completed but since this is a fundraiser and I want to raise awareness along with money, I'm going to jump the gun a bit.  Below I have posted the link to what I have written on my Hero page and what was recently posted on the ERFA Hero blog that I was featured in last week.  Please take a moment to read about my heart. 

The Heart of a Hero  <------click there to read my story!!!


If you want to help out by donating money, GREAT!  Go to my Hero Profile HERE to do that.  If you want to sign up for the 5k if you live in the Nashville area, go to the website and sign up HERE.  The cost is only $30 for an individual with couple and family deals if you need them.  If you want to sign up to be a Hero, PLEASE DO!!!  Not only will you get an extra shirt with your first, non-personal, donation but you will help change lives!  You don't even have to live in Nashville to be a Hero.  There is a 12 year old girl (see her video HERE) that lives in Belgium that is kicking butt at collecting donations for New Dawn School.  Please take a moment to watch her video; it is awesome!  I don't even care if you donate to her Hero page instead of mine. Ha!  If you want to sign up to be a Hero, go HERE.  If you don't have the money or the crazy-passionate-about-this heart that I do, then please send prayers.  That is a huge way that ANYONE can help out and is always appreciated.

I know that there are a lot of links on here, but they are all worth the few minutes it takes to look through them. :)

For more information, go to

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